
Showing posts with the label 1942

Catherine Glossop obituary, 1942

 Lakewood Citizen, Friday February 13,1942: "Mrs Catherine A Glossop, sixty three, of County Line Road, died on Saturday at her home. She was born in Brooklyn. Surviving are two sons, Lewis M P Glossop and Daniel L Glossop, both of Lakewood. Funeral service was held on Tuesday afternoon at the late home and burial made in Greenville Cemetery". 

Alonzo Chambers obituary 1942

 Lakewood Citizen, Friday January 30,1942: "Funeral service was held Monday for the Rev Alonzo Chambers, 94, who was believed to be the last Civil War veteran living in Ocean County and one the few in the state. Mr Chambers, a retired minister, died of pneumonia at the home of his daughter, Mrs Sarah Applegate, of Lakewood Road, last Thursday Night. He was a widower, his wife having died several years ago. Surviving him is a son, also a minister. A military funeral was conducted at the Pleasant Plains Methodist Church with the Rev Harold Smock officiating. Burial followed in Riverside Cemetery, Toms River".

Adam Stefan obituary 1942

 Lakewood Citizen, Friday January 9,1942: "Adam Stefan, fifty seven, a resident of Lakewood for the past six weeks, coming here from Canada, died on Tuesday night at his home on the New Egypt Road. He was born in Hungary. Surviving are his wife, Mrs Margaret Schubkegel Stefan; a daughter, Mrs Bartolf, and a sister, Mrs Adam Arva, of Lakewood, ant two other sisters living in Rumania. Funeral service was held this morning at the home in charge of the Rev Paul Rowalt, pastor of the Lakewood Lutheran Church. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery".

John Price obituary 1942

 Lakewood Citizen, Friday June 19,1942: "John T DeBow, 73, a life long resident of Jackson's Mills died at his home Sunday morning after a long illness. He was born in Davisville, near New Egypt, the son of Thomas and Phoebe Hankins DeBow. Mr DeBow was a member of the Daughters of Liberty lodge, Pride of Charter Oak III; and the Jr OUAM Charter Oak Council. Surviving are his wife, Mrs Ethel Hendrickson DeBow; three sons, Glenn A and Bertram, both of Lakewood and Daniel V DeBow, Trenton; a sister, Mrs Jennie Loveland, Beach Haven and five grandchildren. Funeral service was held on Wednesday afternoon at the Harmony Methodist Church, with the Rev William B Magsam, pastor of the church officiating. Burial was in the Harmony Cemetery". 
 Lakewood Citizen 13 Feb 1942 "George L Sherman, a life long resident of Lakewood, died at the Paul Kimball Hospital early Tuesday morning, following a short illness. Mr Sherman, who was in his fifty fifth year, resided at 28 River Avenue. He was a butcher by trade and for a number of years past had been employed at Ben's Market on East Fourth Street. He was an exempt member of Reliance Hose Co No 4, and a member of the Pastime Club. Surviving Mr Sherman are his mother, Mrs Mary A Sherman; his wife and daughter, Mrs Alice Y Sherman and Mrs Vivian Klaus; two brother, Oliver of Lakewood and Leon of Washington, DC; and four sisters, Mrs Josephine White and Lorene Sherman of Lakewood; Mrs Rankin of Toms River; and Mrs Henry Chamberlain of Forked River. Funeral service will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the late home, with the Rev Taylor Dale, pastor of the Holmanville Presbyterian Church officiating. Burial will be in the Holmanville Cemetery".

Harry Reynolds obituary 1942

 Lakewood Citizen, Friday January 30,1942: "Funeral service for Harry Reynolds, 65, of Apple Street, who died Monday at the Florence Nursing Home, will be held at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Clayton Funeral Home, Adelphia, and at 2 PM at the Hope Chapel Presbyterian Church. The Rev Albert H Manus will officiate and burial will follow in the Greenville Cemetery. Mr Reynolds was born in Cassville, the son of John D Reynolds and Emma Jane Applegate Reynolds. He was a member of the POS of A and Junior OUAM of Lakewood. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Hattie Reynolds, who is seriously ill; a daughter, Mrs Ethel Lippincott of Long Branch, and six brothers, John D, of Allaire; Nathaniel, of Brielle; Irving, David and Ernest of VanHiseville, and Harvey of Cassville; and a stepdaughter, Mrs Adolph Austin, Kent Road". 

Caroline Julio obituary 1942

 Lakewood Citizen, Friday January 9,1942: "Mrs Caroline Julio, sixty, wife of Nick Julio of the VanHiseville Road, died on Tuesday afternoon at her home. Mrs Julio was born in Pleasant Plains, the daughter of Frank and Hannah Johnson. Surviving beside her husband are four daughters, Mrs Mildred Simons, Whitesville; Mrs Orville Matthews of Lakewood; Mrs Edwin Hendrickson of Freehold; and Violet V Julio, living at home; a son, Franklin Johnson of Jamesburg; four sisters, Mrs Maria Thompson, Mrs Martha Matthews and Mrs Mamie Grover, all of Lakewood and Mrs Grover of Whitesville; and a brother, Frederick Johnson of Lakewood. She was a member of the Whitesville Methodist Church. Service will be held from the church tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Rev Francis G Havill, pastor of the church officiating, assisted by the Rev Leon Martorano of the Highlands, former Whitesville pastor. Burial will be in Riverside Cemetery".

Luetta Cotrell obit 1942

 Lakewood Citizen, Friday April 17,1942: "Mrs Luetta Cottrell, wife of Ivans Cottrell of 555 Ocean Avenue, died last Saturday evening at her home, following a brief illness. Mrs Cottrell, who was a life long resident of Lakewood, was in her fifty fifth year. She was the daughter of the late William and Jane Lewis Johnson. Mrs Cottrell was a member of the First Baptist Church and the Women's Missionary Society of that church. Beside her husband, Mrs Cottrell is survived by two daughters, Mrs Jennie Coleman of Lakewood; and Mrs Marie Born of Sea Girt; one sone, William I Cottrell of Lakewood and a brother, John Johnson, living in California; and five grandchildren. Funeral service was held on Tuesday afternoon at the Westhall Funeral Home with the Rev Marshall Sewell, pastor of the First Baptist Church officiating. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery".

Frank R. Smith sentenced on larceny charges, 1942

 Asbury Park Press 5 Oct 1942