
Showing posts with the label Brooks

John Brooks drunk and disorderly, 1902

Lakewood Citizen 3 Oct 1902

the news from Harmony 2 Jul 1920

 Lakewood Citizen 2 Jul 1920

Notice--New Jersey Courier 22 Oct 1915


selected Burlington County Marriages, 1782-1798

Burlington County Marriages 1782-1798 These marriages were reprinted in the Early Church Records of Burlington County , New Jersey Vol. 3, pages 115-116 Charlotte D. Meldrum Surname Given Name Date Place Married to? Barbara 2 Sep 1788 Joseph Kimble Addoms Mary 8 Mar 1794 Abraham Witcraft Bennet Deborah 1 Dec 1796 Chester Samuel Hunt Betzler George 9 Nov 1791 Elizabeth Brooks Brooks Elizabeth 9 Nov 1791 George Betzler Brown Mary 2 Jan 1793 Samuel Goforth Bud Elizabeth 20 Jan 1789 Thomas Taylor Budey Peter 23 Dec 1793 Abigail Smith Chambers Mary 9 Feb 1797 Chester Twp John Wilkins . Chew Continue 9 Jul 1787 Martha Ewen Cline, jr. Ephraim 29 Jan 1792 Rachel Salter, dau of Joseph Collins Joseph 31 Jan 1788 Elizabeth Mullen Connaroe Lydia 1 Jun 1788 William Dav...

Marc Michael, Jr obituary, 1918

MICHAEL, MARC M., JR from the New Jersey Courier 25 Oct 1918 Marc M. Michael, Jr., whose death was reported last week, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marc M. Michael of Eleventh St, New York, formerly of North Road, Nutley. Up to a year ago young Michael had lived in Nutley all his life. He attended the Nutley public schools and Stevens Tech. When America entered the war, Michael joined a regiment of engineers, which were the first American troops to see service in France. He was stationed for some time at Willets Point, L.I., but was later honorably discharged, because of physical disability. For the last eight months he had been in business in Chicago, where he died. Besides his parents, he is survived by a sister, Miss Margaret Michael. His engagement to Miss Gladys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Brooks of Toms River, was announced a few weeks ago.

Job Brooks Murder, 1863

The following articles are from newspapers chronicling the murder of Job Brooks, and the trial of his son and wife in that case, Keturah Ann Brooks. The murder occurred in the spring of 1863 in Vincentown, and ultimately ended in the conviction and execution of Brook's son for the murder. The mother was found not guilty, and it appears she was dragged into the trial by the other two, who accused her in an attempt to cover their own crime. The murder must have been quite sensational--quite a bit of newspaper coverage was devoted to it. Prison statistics for Burlington County in 1863, quoted in the New Jersey Mirror, indicate that there was no one else arrested for murder in the county that year. John D. Thompson's obituary in the New Jersey Mirror of 30 Apr 1890 says he was born at Quaker Bridge, around 1807 or so: "At Tuckerton, February 28, 1890, John D. Thompson, Esq., in his 83d year. The deceased had been for many years closely identified with the interests of the s...