Marc Michael, Jr obituary, 1918


from the New Jersey Courier 25 Oct 1918

Marc M. Michael, Jr., whose death was reported last week, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marc M. Michael of Eleventh St, New York, formerly of North Road, Nutley. Up to a year ago young Michael had lived in Nutley all his life. He attended the Nutley public schools and Stevens Tech. When America entered the war, Michael joined a regiment of engineers, which were the first American troops to see service in France. He was stationed for some time at Willets Point, L.I., but was later honorably discharged, because of physical disability.

For the last eight months he had been in business in Chicago, where he died. Besides his parents, he is survived by a sister, Miss Margaret Michael. His engagement to Miss Gladys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Brooks of Toms River, was announced a few weeks ago.


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