
Showing posts with the label West

Edward West badly injured, 1920

New Jersey Courier 16 Sep 1920

No Hooch found at Edward West's bungalow, 1924

New Egypt Press 14 Aug 1924

Family businesses in Tuckerton, 1989

from Tuckerton Beacon's 100th anniversary issue

Delinquent Taxes 1887

Burlington Township Delinquent Tax List, 1887 Originally appeared in the Burlington Gazette on Feb 10, 1887. The person who posted this list to a message board originally was unable to get a decent copy of the amount each person owed, so here is a list of just the names of those who owed delinquent taxes in Feb of 1887. ACKLEY, Elizabeth ADAMS, J.S. ADAMS, Rebecca, Est. ALLINSON, Mr. ANDERSON, Chas. ARMSTRONG, John J. ATKINSON, Benjamin AUSTIN, Marian? BAILY, Joseph BAKER, Wm BANKS, Daniel BIDWELL, Mary B. BIRCH, Mr. BLINN?, Geo. W. BODINE, Elmira S. BOOSER, Joseph BORDEN, Ruth BRADDOCK, Hannah BRITTIAN, Lewis H. BROOMHEAD, John Burlington College Trustees BROWN, Amanda BROWN, W.H. BUNKER, B? B. BURR, John BURR, Mary W. Burlington Thread Co. CARTER, David Est. CASEY, Mary CASWELL, Ann CASWELL, Margaret CHAMBERS, Daniel CHAMBERS, Sarah A. CHERRY, W.T. CHURCHMAN, Lydia CLARK, Rachel CLARK, Richard CLIDE, John CLINTON, Anna E. COLLINS, Michael CONDIT, J...