From New Jersey Courier 9 Nov 1870 On the first instant we paid our esteemed friend, A. Jameson, Esq., of Bricksburg, a visit. We found him full of business, and received from him the same honest cordial greeting , as of olden time. Our friend at the present time is the president and general manager of a new enterprise which he has inaugurated at Bricksburg, a few miles to the north of us. When we knew A. Jameson long years ago, we always found him the same truthful, temperate, upright and industrious man as now. Scrupulously prompt in his business he, as a matter of course, succeeded. With an energy that brooked no denial, he has worked his way up, until he has become a self made man, and the architect of his own fortune. We rejoice at his prosperity. After a cordial interchange of friendly greeting, we placed ourselves under his guidance, and we proceeded to visit his water power, formerly known as Bergen Iron Works. A large massive well built raceway has been constructed underg...