
Showing posts with the label Cox

Perfect attendance at Tuckerton school, 1918

 Tuckerton Beacon 27 Jun 1918

Pledge of Allegiance debate, 1991

 Asbury Park Press 18 Dec 1991

Ned Larkin injured, 1906

 New Egypt Press 3 Aug 1906

Leona May Blackman marries, 1904

 New Jersey Courier 21 Jul 1904

In 1906, nearly the entire Board of Freeholders was indicted.

 Lakewood Citizen 1 Jun 1906

Influenza holds up draft work of county war board, 1918

New Jersey Courier 18 Oct 1918

Murder of Iron Cranmer, 1905

New Jersey Courier 13 Oct 1905

1930 graduating class, Lavallette school


Sheriff Sale 1856

Ocean Emblem 3 Sep 1856

West Creek church fund, 1866


Delinquent Taxes, 1878

Originally appeared in the New Jersey Mirror in September 1878. List dated Aug. 14, 1878 William Bisbing, collector Surname Given Name Amount Owed Absalom E.C. 1.00 Absalom James 1.00 Aregood John 1.00 Baker Edward 1.00 Bozarth George 1.00 Baily Harry 4.45 Barry John 1.00 Bennett Mark 1.00 Borden Job W. 1.50 Borden Mason 1.00 Bowne William 15.00 Brinton Charles 1.00 Brown Frank 7.19 Bunting Cornelius 1.50 Cammon James 1.50 Campbell Charles 1.50 Campbell Joseph 1.00 Casey John 1.50 Chambers George 1.00 Cheston Robert 69.69 Clark Adam 3.01 Cloran Henry 1.50 Closby Patrick 5.75 Clyde Matthew 1.00 Collins Michael 1.00 Conghlin S.B. 7.53 Conklin George 1.00 Conner Richard 1.50 Cox Jason .50 ...

Sale of lands, 1856

Ocean Emblem 3 Sep 1856

Unpaid Taxes in Jackson Township, 1857

Ocean Emblem 28 Jan 1857

Court cases in Ocean County, 1854

Ocean Emblem 3 May 1854

Cox-Buddon wedding at Barnegat, 1878

New Jersey Courier 11 Jul 1878

News from Columbus, 1905

New Egypt Press 3 Mar 1905

News From West Creek, 1920

TUCKERTON BEACON 22 Jan 1920 Mrs. Rebecca Gaskill is making and extended visit with friends in Red Bank, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, and Atlantic City. T.E. Lawrence, of Philadelphia, spent the week end with friends here. Miss Grace Jones of Jersey City was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Shinn on Thomas Avenue. J.C. Horner, of Philadelphia, spent the week end with his family here. Miss Sarah Cox has returned after visiting in New York and Bayonne. C.H. Cox has been harvesting ice at Manahawkin for his summer ice route on the beach Edw. L. Shinn has sold his home on the Landing Road to Graydon Kelley. Dr. James Wallace, of Roxborough, has purchased the Neuendorf farm on the Forge Road, for a poultry farm. Misses Grace and Sara Rutter of Philadelphia spent the week end with their parents here. Mrs. A.E. Willits had a serious fall which confines here to her room Horace Adams, of the Holloway grocery store, is taking a month's vacation. Miss Mildred Jones is subbing in ...

News From Barnegat, 1901

From the New Jersey Courier 17 Jan 1901: The Tom Thumb wedding in the Methodist Church last Friday evening was a perfect success in every way. The bridal party composed of the little ones dressed to imitate their mommas and papas looked very sedate and ministerial. A reception was held after the ceremony and even to the wedding breakfast was reenacted, the bride cutting her wedding cake in the latest fashionable cut. The other parts of the program given by older talent was well rendered and received by an appreciative audience. The entire program was repeated on the following evening to as large if not larger audience than attended the first. Mrs. F.K. Cranmer of Beardsley, Minn., has been visiting Mrs. A.M. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Spader and daughter are visiting at J .S. Storm's. A donation was tendered to the Rev. O.W. Wright, pastor of the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday evening of this week. Extra meetings are being held in the Methodist Church. There has been consid...

News From Warren Grove, 21 Nov 1930

New Jersey Courier 21 Nov 1930: Mr. and Mrs. JWm. Holloway and daughters were callers in Manahawkin Sunday. Roy Cox of Barnegat was in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Harbolt of Jobstown spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holloway. Arch Parker and friend of Parkertown were in town Wednesday. S.C. Haverley of Plainfield has been spending a few days with George Cranmer. Wm. Berry of Beach Haven was in town Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ridgeway of Barnegat were recent callers in town. Mrs. Sallie Penn, Marion and Dorothy Penn, of Waretown, were Friday afternoon callers on Mrs. Chas. Holloway. Wm. and Jack Wescott of Camden were in town Tuesday. Howard Wainwright of Waretown was in town Tuesday. Hill Corlis was in Sim Place Saturday. Mrs. Rogers of Bayville was a visitor in town Wednesday. H. King of Beach Haven was in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Genone and children of Chatsworth, were in town Sunday. Ellsworth Harris, Tracey Hitchner and Everett Hitc...