
Showing posts with the label 1887

Harry Robinson has a painful accident, 1887

 New Jersey Courier 9 Nov 1887

Arthur Clute, Professor of Music 1887


Dastardly deeds--meanest man in county sought

 New Jersey Courier 7 Dec 1887

Isaac Van Note dies, 1887

New Jersey Courier 17 Aug 1887

David Fisher obituary, 1887

New Jersey Courier 13 Apr 1887

Delinquent Taxes 1887

Burlington Township Delinquent Tax List, 1887 Originally appeared in the Burlington Gazette on Feb 10, 1887. The person who posted this list to a message board originally was unable to get a decent copy of the amount each person owed, so here is a list of just the names of those who owed delinquent taxes in Feb of 1887. ACKLEY, Elizabeth ADAMS, J.S. ADAMS, Rebecca, Est. ALLINSON, Mr. ANDERSON, Chas. ARMSTRONG, John J. ATKINSON, Benjamin AUSTIN, Marian? BAILY, Joseph BAKER, Wm BANKS, Daniel BIDWELL, Mary B. BIRCH, Mr. BLINN?, Geo. W. BODINE, Elmira S. BOOSER, Joseph BORDEN, Ruth BRADDOCK, Hannah BRITTIAN, Lewis H. BROOMHEAD, John Burlington College Trustees BROWN, Amanda BROWN, W.H. BUNKER, B? B. BURR, John BURR, Mary W. Burlington Thread Co. CARTER, David Est. CASEY, Mary CASWELL, Ann CASWELL, Margaret CHAMBERS, Daniel CHAMBERS, Sarah A. CHERRY, W.T. CHURCHMAN, Lydia CLARK, Rachel CLARK, Richard CLIDE, John CLINTON, Anna E. COLLINS, Michael CONDIT, J...

Marriage of Emma Ford and Samuel Truex, 1887

New Jersey Courier 8 Jan 1887 Emma J. Ford of Lower Bank married Samuel C. Truex of Manahawkin, at Lower Bank, on June 3rd, 1887.

Murder of Abel Broom, 1887

Hunterdon Democrat 13 Sep 1887 Another murderer now occupies the jail at Mount Holly, in the cell next to Barclay Peak. He is Thomas Murray, nearly seventy years of age, who shot Abel Broom down in Bass River Township, on the edge of the Pines, on Aug. 23. Broom died from the effect of the wound.

Accident at Atsion sawmill, 1887

from New Jersey Courier 10 Aug 1887 A singular fatal accident took place at Larrabee's saw mill at Atsion, last Tuesday night. Owing to the rush of work, a night force had been employed. Among them was a Samuel T. Perry, of Manchester, who worked night for the first time last week. While the saw was in operation, a slab was caught in it and thrown with fearful velocity, striking Perry in the abdomen. He was immediately seized with a fit of vomiting, which continued all night. On Wednesday morning he was removed to his home at Manchester, and Dr. E. C. Disbrow, of this town [meaning Toms River], was summoned. Internal hemhorrage, however, occurred, and on Thursday night he died. He was about 81 years old, and leaves a widow and three children. Funeral services were held on Monday at Giberson's Mills. A delegation from Raum Lodge, I.O.O.F., of this town, of which deceased was a member, attended and performed the rites of the order.

Fatal accident at Atsion, 1887

New Jersey Mirror 10 Aug 1887 A singular fatal accident took place at Larrabee's saw mill at Atsion, last Tuesday night. Owing to the rush of work, a night force had been employed. Among them was a Samuel T. Perry, of Manchester, who worked night for the first time last week. While the saw was in operation, a slab was caught in it and thrown with fearful velocity, striking Perry in the abdomen. He was immediately seized with a fit of vomiting, which continued all night. On Wednesday morning he was removed to his home at Manchester, and Dr. E. C. Disbrow, of this town [meaning Toms River], was summoned. Internal hemhorrage, however, occurred, and on Thursday night he died. He was about 81 years old, and leaves a widow and three children. Funeral services were held on Monday at Giberson's Mills. A delegation from Raum Lodge, I.O.O.F., of this town, of which deceased was a member, attended and performed the rites of the order.