
Showing posts with the label Cummings

Fred Cummings arrested for arson, 1920

New Jersey Courier 18 Jun 1920

Cedar Crest School, 1920

New Jersey Courier 3 Jun 1920

News from Parkertown, 1915

New Jersey Courier 21 May 1915

News From Prospertown 24 Oct 1901

This page lists all of the deaths that were recorded in the Ocean Emblem newspaper, published in Toms River, between October 1858 and November 1859. Surname Given Name Age Residence Date of Death Place of Death Cause of Death Family O.E. Issue Aker Elizabeth --------- --------- 27 Feb 1859 --------- --------- wife of Stephen Aker 9 Mar 1859 Anderson Joseph --------- Barnegat 10 Nov 1858 Barnegat --------- --------- 1 Dec 1858 Briant Jonathan 3 Colliers Mills 26 Jan 1859 Colliers Mills --------- son of James and Rachel Briant 2 Feb 1859 Brown Laura 3y 8m 12d --------- 7 Feb 1859 --------- inflammation of chest and bowels dau. of John A. and May C. Brown 16 Feb 1859 Carr Jesse 81 --------- 29 Nov 1858 Manahawkin --------- --------- 15 Dec 1858 Cummings Albert --------- --------- --------- West Flambo...

News From Parkertown, 1920

TUCKERTON BEACON 11 Mar 1920 Mrs. James A. Parker and children, Garrett and Gladys have returned after spending the winter at Bradley Beach, where her husband is employed in the C.G.S. F.S. Parker recently spent a week in Camden at the home of his son, Vere. Miss Estella Cummings, of Camden, spent the week end as the guest of Miss Grace Parker. Mrs. Ayer Parker and daughter, Mrs. Wm. Thomas spent a day in Tuckerton last week as the guest of Mrs. Darnell Parker. Adam Price, who is employed in Camden, was a Sunday visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Price. Chas. A. Mathis spent the week end with his family here. Solomon Holman, who is employed in Philadelphia, was a week end guest of Miss Helen Parker. Pupils of our school neither absent nor tardy: Marjorie Brown Erma Parker Mary Parker Hilliard Brown Jos.Cummings LeRoy Cummings Chester Holman Lawrence Parker Since the organization of the War Saving's Society in October, the pupils have saved $54.0...

News From Parkertown 1920

TUCKERTON BEACON 26 Feb 1920 Mrs. Frank Wilson, who has been quite ill is reported to be improving. Clarence Price, of Avalon C.G.S., and who has been home on sick leave for some time, has returned to his duties at that place. Russell Parker, of Avon-By-the-Sea C.G.S., spent Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Parker. Chas. A. Mathis, who is employed in Camden, was a weekend visitor with his family here. Mrs. Charles Allison and daughter, Julia, of Cedar Run, spent the week end at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Price. John Cranmer and son, Melford, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Reuben Parker, at White Hills. Miss Grace Parker was the guest of Miss Frances Mosier, in Tuckerton, last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vere Parker, of Camden, spent Sunday at the home of the former's father, Filbert S. Parker. Mrs. Norwood Parker has returned to her home here after spending several weeks in Brooklyn and Ridgewood as the guest of her s...

News From Double Trouble, 1911

From the New Jersey Courier 20 Jan 1911 Mrs. Ralph Cummings and daughter were recent visitors from Double Trouble. ( to Forked River)

News From Double Trouble, 1910

From the New Jersey Courier, 24 Nov 1910 Austin "Dayton spent Sunday evening at Bayville. Miss Elsie Worth is visiting in Bayville. Mrs. Westbrook and daughter of Cambridge, MD and Miss Clara Worth of Bayville spent the weeks end with Mrs. George H. Wainwright and family. William Platt has moved into the Phillips cottage. Miss Mabel Worth is home from Toms River for Thanksgiving week. Mrs. Joseph Platt has been visiting in Mt. Holly. Edward Crabbe and Reed Tilton have returned from a week's gunning down the bay. Fred Wilbert the night watchman of this place is laid up with an abcess on the arm. George Wainwright is filling the vacancy. Frank Keegan, who has been laid up with a very bad foot is slowly improving. Miss Lucy Hulse has been visiting Mrs. Ralph Cummings.

News from Parkertown, 1918

NEW JERSEY COURIER 7 JUN 1918 Miss Viola Horner and Evelyn Cummings of Waretown spent a few days here at the home of the latter's father, Ralph Cummings. Mrs. Mary Milligan of Atlantic City is the guest of Mrs. Frank Wilson. Mrs. Henry Parker entertained over Sunday their son Chester and grandson Edward Parker, also the misses Bessie and Annie McCarroll, all of Camden. Mrs. Saul D. Parker and son Lawrence are spending some time in Camden with relatives and friends. Miss Deloura Parker of Three Tuns, PA is spending some time here among friends. Miss Pearl Nareski of Camden was an over Sunday visitor at the home of Miss Amy Brown. Postmaster Norwood Parker recently attended the Federal School Board meeting at Trenton. Harold Parker and Alton Mathis successfully passed the Eighth grade examination and will enter High School next year. We are sorry to learn that James Alfred Parker one of our coast guards is in the Asbury Park hospital and is obliged to undergo an operation.