Press of Atlantic City 8 Dec 1992 Committeeman Louis Amato Jr. says the Cedar Run Group Home does not have proper security, is financially inefficient and should not be located in a residential area. Local officials, dissatisfied with a state plan for a citizens advisory panel to discuss public concerns over a Bamber Lake reform school, insist the facility should be closed. "I'm still dead-set against the facility out there. I'm still set on having it closed," Committeeman Louis Amato Jr. said. Amato claims the Cedar Run Group Home, in the pinelands near Carriage Road, does not have proper security, is financially inefficient for the state to operate and should not be located in the residential area. The committee members are also concerned the state might look to expand services at the facility as it is forced to find places to house juveniles who might be apprehended during crackdowns on carjacking. Amato, who is police commissioner here, and other members of the...