
Showing posts with the label Vannote

In 1906, nearly the entire Board of Freeholders was indicted.

 Lakewood Citizen 1 Jun 1906

Burglars busy at Barnegat, 1923

New Egypt Press 19 Jul 1923

Marriages in the New Jersey Courier 5 Dec 1878


News From Colliers Mills, 1900

New Jersey Courier 4 Oct 1900: The seven year old daughter of Alfred Southard has been very sick with the whooping cough and pneumonia, but is somewhat better now. There are one hundred twenty five Italians picking cranberries at this place. Mrs. Caroline Smith of Trenton has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jennie Reynolds the past week. Henry Lewis is suffering with a boil on his nose. Wiliam Cawley expects to get done picking cranberries this week. He will not have more than one hundred and fifty boxes, where he generally has five to eight hundred boxes. James Buckalew, George Vannote, and Benjamin Buckalew killed nine wood duck Saturday last.