Real Estate sale in Burlington County, 1856
New Jersey Mirror 17 Jul 1856 In pursuance of a decree of the Orphans' Court of the County of Burlington, made in the term of April, 1856, will be sold at public sale, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th of August next, between the hours of 12 and 5 o'clock, P. M., at BIRMINGHAM, the late residence of Thos. E. Deacon, dec'd., situate on the North Branch of the Rancocas Creek, between Pemberton and Mount Holly, about two miles from the former and four from the latter place, in Pemberton township, Burlington county, N. J., all the following described Land and Real Estate, whereof the said Thomas E. Deacon died seized, viz: No. 1--That Valuable Mill Property, FARM AND TIMBER LAND, Known as Birmingham, where the said dec'd. resided, containing about 135 ACRES OF LAND, about 75 acres of which is valuable Wood Land, about 15 acres superior Bottom Meadow, and the remainder Arable Land, adapted to the growth of Grain or Grass--with an apple Orchard and other Fruit Trees thereon.-- The Bui...