
Showing posts with the label NJHistory

Lard as an antidote for strychnine

From the New Jersey Courier 9 Jan 1856: "Lard is said to be an antidote for strychnine. Experiments have been made with dogs which seem to prove this fact. Dr. Pace, of Syracuse, has also experimented upon a cat, giving her half a grain of strychnine and following it with a dose of lard. The poison had no effect."

A Severe Storm, 1856

New Jersey Courier 9 Jan 1856

Judgement against Daniel L Miller for forgery, 1856

New Jersey Courier 9 Jan 1856

Obituaries in the New Jersey Courier 19 Dec 1878


Marriages in the New Jersey Courier 19 Dec 1878


Marriages in the New Jersey Courier 5 Dec 1878


Lillian Gant and Sarah Cranmer die, 1878

New Jersey Courier 28 Nov 1878

Camburn-Sprague wedding announcement, 1878

from New Jersey Courier, 21 Nov 1878 CAMBURN-SPRAGUE At the M.E. Parsonage, Waretown, Nov 10th, by Rev. Boggs, Gideon A. Camburn and Martha Sprague of Waretown.

Hulsart-Mathews wedding, 1878

New Jersey Courier 14 Nov 1878

Marriage announcements in New Jersey Courier 11-14-1878


Milton T. Merrell obituary, 1878

New Jersey Courier 24 Oct 1878

Extell-Albertson Wedding, 1878

from the New Jersey Courier 17 Oct 1878

Camp-Bareford wedding announcement, 1879

CAMP-BAREFORD from the New Jersey Courier 13 Feb 1879 At the residence of the bride's parents, Waretown, Feb 4th, by Rev. R.S. Harris, Reuben Camp and Anna Elizabeth Bareford, all of Waretown.

Caminade-Borden wedding announcement, 1879

CAMINADE-BORDEN from the New Jersey Courier 26 Jun 1879 At Keyport, June 3d, by Rev O. Ellerson, Frederique Caminade of Trenton and Miss Sarah E. Borden, daughter of the late Col. Joseph Borden of Red Bank.

B.F. Aumack wedding announcement

from the New Jersey Courier 9 Jan 1879 AUMACK-ALLEN B.F. Aumack married Cassie Allen of Cassville

Butterworth-Oliphant wedding announcement, 1879

from the New Jersey Courier 6 Feb 1879 BUTTERWORTH-OLIPHANT At New Lisbon, 30 Jan, Joseph E. Butterworth, of Vincentown, and Minnie, daughter of Eayre Oliphant, Esq. of New Lisbon

Thomas Ell obituary, 1842

from the New Jersey Mirror 26 May 1842: On May 1, 1842, near Union Village, Somerset County, NJ. Thomas Ell, a colored man aged 104 years. The Sabbath before he died, he walked to the Baptist Church in that place, 4 miles, partook of communion, and walked home. He had been a member of the Baptist Church at Scotch Plains about 40 years

Nelson Grant obituary, 1929

from the New Jersey Courier 23 Apr 1929 Capt. Nelson Grant, 80 years of age, a life long resident of Lacey Township, honored and respected by all who knew him, killed himself on Thursday morning, August 22, by sending a load of shot through his breast. He lived not far from the Central Railroad station at Lanoka Harbor. At 6:15 that morning he went over to the station with a single barreled shot gun. It is assumed that he sat down with the gun between his knees, butt on the ground and leaned over so that the muzzle was against his chest. Then with a bit of shingle lathe he pushed the trigger, launching himself into eternity. His death was probably instantaneous, as he was found sitting up, the gun between his knees. Capt.Nelson Grant was an oldtime waterman. In his early days he went to sea. Later he spent a long time in the Life-Saving service, till laid off from disability acquired in the service. After that he was an oyster planter and bayman. For a long time before the small Boar...

Tabitha Penn obituary 1905

New Jersey Courier 6 Apr 1905

Policeman fired for sleeping on the job in Lakewood, 1905

from the New Jersey Courier 6 Apr 1905