Tuckerton Beacon, 18 Mar 1920: M.L. Cranmer went to Philadelphia on Sunday to see his son, Chester, who is in St. Joseph's hospital. Messrs. Ancel R. Lamson and J. F. Lamson were Monday and Tuesday visitors in Philadephia on business. Elton Cranmer, of Tuckerton, is spending a few days with his mother, Miss Eva Cranmer. Blanche Cranmer, formerly of this place, and Frank Reeder, of Cedar Run, were married on Saturday last. Miss Mary Lamson has returned home after spending two weeks with Mrs. Susie Cranmer, because her home was under quarantine. We hope there will not be a case of diptheria here again. Howard B. Cranmer, of C.G.S. 119, was a caller in town on Monday evening. Mrs. Frank Cranmer and daughter, Miss Hazel, were Barnegat visitors recently. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muller entertained their daughter, Marion, over this week end. Miss Leona Salmons, of Staffordville, is spending some time with Mrs. M.L. Cranmer. Miss Mary Lamson is spending a few days at Barnegat City,...