
Showing posts with the label Predmore

Cooper Predmore run over while bicycling, 1926

 Lakewood Daily Times 25 Aug 1926

Indictments, May 1856

Ocean Emblem 14 May 1856

Fire at Green Bank, 1875

New Jersey Courier 28 Oct 1875 Dear Sir--A terrible case of burning occurred about a mile from this village last Saturday night, by which one life was lost and another person was severely burned. The circumstances as near as can be learned, are as follows: Hannah Cranmer, a middle aged lady, living alone with her grandson, Conrad Predmore, aged about twelve years, was awakened at about half past twelve last Saturday night, by a sense of suffocation, and upon springing out of bed, found the floor so hot as to burn her feet. She awakened the child, who slept with her, and they hastened to escape by the door, but upon opening it, the flames and smoke rolled in upon them, cutting off their egress by the stair-way. There was no way of escape now ut the window, and no time to throw a bed out, for the floor was trembling beneath them. She told the child to jump out first, and she would follow. He did not want to jump out of the window, saying,"I am afraid to do it, Grandma; it will kil...

News From Barnegat, 1866

From the New Jersey Courier, 3 Jun 1866: Barnegat is a pretty neat and thrifty village, handsomely laid out, streets running very regularly and nice pretty white cottages. Barnegat is somewhat noted as the residence of web footed individuals, who delight in following the water, and who possess a very creditable amount of public spirit. There is a Quaker Meetinghouse, also a Methodist one, in which nightly meetings are now held. There are two fine stores, kept by Gulick and Robbins and Bodine and Predmore. Gulick is one of your wide awake men, and always on the alert so much so, that the Freeholders made him County Collector. The business of the place is principally called on by these two stores, three hotels, billiard saloon, millinery shop, and a fancy goods and confectionery store and a post office. Blacksmiths and wheelwrights abound as well as a barber, and Sam the Sadler.

News From Barnegat, 1905

from New Jersey Courier 6 Apr 1905 The entertainment in the school house last Friday evening was very good. A large audience greeted the performers. The Township Committee are fixing the roads, and in consequence all who wish to work have a job. Mail Clerk Corlis has moved into the Wright Predmore house. Through the kindness of Mrs. J. S. Storms, postmaster Collins has on exhibition an old bill dated February 27, 1875 advertising a performance of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in Union Hall, by the Barnegat Dramatic Troupe. The cast includes the names of some of our citizens who have long since gone to their rest, and it recalls to mind others who are growing old. Quarterly communion was celebrated in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday last. The Art Club will hold its annual reception on Tuesday this week. W.G. Conrad and wife, John Predmore and wife, and Charles M. Conrad and wife are home from Trenton. The Board of Education organized on Tuesday evening, March 28, by elect...

News From Barnegat, 1900

From the New Jersey Courier 6 Dec 1900: Thanksgiving day passed off very quietly with us. Union services were held in the Methodist church. Rev. O.W. Wright of the Presbyterian church, preaching the sermon. The collection was given to the Methodist hospital at Philadephia. In the evening a "Yankee" sociable was held in the Presbyterian church and quite a number were present. The program consisted of readings, instrumental and vocal music and a guessing contest, after which enjoyable evening was spent. Ragamuffins as usual infested our town during the day and night, but the participants were mostly of the younger class. A representative of the Sanborn and Perris map company has been in our town the past week making a new insurance map. Among those home from Rider's business college at Trenton for holiday were Joe Storms, Win Predmore, Van Predmore, Clarence Harris and Arthur Ridgway. Among others visitors during the holiday we noticed Miss Nolia Pharo and Miss Emma B...