News From Double Trouble, 1905
From the New Jersey Courier 28 Sep 1905 Mr. Crabbe made a trip to New York this week. Mr. Porter has returned to this place. Dr. Jones gave us a call last Monday. Howard Lee was over to Toms River on Saturday last. Bennie Havens has been on the sick list but is slowly recovering. Samuel Estlow and family are visiting relatives in Waretown. Mr. Richmond of Forked River was here Friday, with a load of fruit and vegetables. Mrs. Crabbe and family drove from Toms River on Wednesday. Messrs. Crabbe and Porter are continually making improvements in their Double Trouble property. Quite an exciting time here last Tuesday night when one of the iron gray horses deliberately walked out of the barn and gave the men quite a long chase before he would allow them to catch him. N. Herbert spent Saturday evening in Toms River.