Lakewood Citizen, Friday April 17,1942: "Mrs Luetta Cottrell, wife of Ivans Cottrell of 555 Ocean Avenue, died last Saturday evening at her home, following a brief illness. Mrs Cottrell, who was a life long resident of Lakewood, was in her fifty fifth year. She was the daughter of the late William and Jane Lewis Johnson. Mrs Cottrell was a member of the First Baptist Church and the Women's Missionary Society of that church. Beside her husband, Mrs Cottrell is survived by two daughters, Mrs Jennie Coleman of Lakewood; and Mrs Marie Born of Sea Girt; one sone, William I Cottrell of Lakewood and a brother, John Johnson, living in California; and five grandchildren. Funeral service was held on Tuesday afternoon at the Westhall Funeral Home with the Rev Marshall Sewell, pastor of the First Baptist Church officiating. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery".