
Showing posts with the label Carr

Pledge of Allegiance debate, 1991

 Asbury Park Press 18 Dec 1991

News from Lakehurst, incl. death of William Coogan

 New Jersey Courier 28 Oct 1897

News From Lakehurst 1897

 New Jersey Courier 7 Oct 1897

Pine Barrens Fire, 1936

  Pine Barrens Fire of 1936 As reported in the pages of the  New Jersey Mirror , 27 May 1936 Five Killed, Many Injured in Greatest Forest Fires in the History of Two Counties / More Than 20,000 Acres Involved in Four-Day Conflagration in the Area from Chatsworth to Tuckerton and Manahawkin--2,000 Men Fought Fire / Men Were Trapped While Fighting In one of the worst forest fires in the history of Burlington and Ocean counties, the past four days, burning over more than 20,000 acres, five men lost their lives and many others were injured. The area involved includes the section from Chatsworth to Tuckerton. There also were fires east of Brown's Mills. Colonel Leonidas J. Coyle, state fire warden, reported last night that the fire was under control and practically extinguished, when a change of wind turned the flames back over the area already burned over. The dead are: Edward F. Sullivan, 19, of New Brunswick. Kingsley White, 38, of Whitesville. Stanley Carr, 23, of Farmingd...

Carr and Bogert arrested for burglary, 1921

New Jersey Courier 15 Jul 1921

Judge issues suspended sentences, 1930

New Jersey Courier 23 May 1930: SUSPENDED SENTENCES FAVORED BY JUDGE SIX YEARS IN STATE PRISON CHANGED TO SIX YEARS ON PROBATION Suspended sentences were handed out to nearly everyone that came before Judge GALLAGHER on Wednesday of this week. Among the lucky ones were Francis HULSE, Fred HOOPER, and Fred REID, of the Point Pleasant neighborhood, who had previously been sentenced to six years in state prison. The boys were accused of breaking into a number of places at Mantaloking, and in that vicinity, and robbing them. One was the office of the Mandalay Land Company, one a garage at Mantaloking, and some were houses. They were indicted on three instances and pleaded guilty. They are, under the last sentence, placed under probation for six years to report monthly the previous sentence being held over them. Joseph Carr, convicted of stealing a mink coat in Lakewood, was sentenced to two years, which was suspended provided he left the county inside 48 hours. A woman visitor in Lakewoo...

Burlington City Census, 1860 (part 1)

Burlington City, 1860 Burlington County, New Jersey *NOTE: An asterik (*)indicates an individual whose race was listed as 'black'. Two Asteriks (**) inidicates an individual who was listed as a mulatto. Hse# Surname Given Name Age Birthplace Occupation 492 Price Rachael 71 DE domestic 493 Howell Nathaniel 67 MA gardener Rachel 66 NJ Lippincott Mary J. 13 NJ 494 Thariss Charles 36 PA shoemaker Elizabeth 35 NJ Sarah L. 9 NJ Henry C. 2 NJ Twigley Michael 35 NJ shoemaker 495 Goodher William 24 NJ bricklayer Elizabeth 20 NJ John B. 6 mos NJ Dubel William 25 NJ shoemaker 496 Bennett William 40 PA RR emp. Margaret 39 NJ Theodore 18 NJ shoemaker Elizabeth 16 NJ shoe binder Henry 14...

Mark A.C. Carr's trip to the Rockies, 1909

New Jersey Courier 19 Aug 1909

Milton Carr obituary, 1905

from the New Egypt Press, 10 Mar 1905 The body of Milton Carr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carr, was brought here on Monday last for burial. He died in the Trenton Hospital with pneumonia. Milton was 16 years of age. He will be greatly missed by his young associates as well as the family.

57 Men Selected for the National Army

From the New Jersey Courier 15 Feb 1918

Death of Harry Kenney, 1936

from the New Jersey Mirror 10 Jun 1936 Harry Kenney, 14, of Point Pleasant, was killed on Route 38, near Masonville early Saturday morning, when a car struck his bicycle. He left Point Pleasant at 7 P. M. Friday, with Robert Hodson, 16, of West Point Pleasant. They were both riding bicycles and were on their way to visit Harry''s grandmother in Camden. They were riding alongside each other with Kenny on the cement part of the highway and Hodson on the shoulder of the road. The only lights they had on their wheels was a flashlight which Hodson held in his hand and would light each time a car approached, the police said. The car which struck the boy was driven by Russell Carr, of 2024 South Seventh street, Camden. He took him to the Burlington County Hospital, where the lad was pronounced dead. Carr told Coroner George Whomsley, of Burlington, that he did not see the boys on the bicycles until after the accident. The Hodson boy, who was not injured, said that he flashed the...

News From Lakehurst, 1929

from the New Jersey Courier, 13 Dec 1929 (Lakehurst section) Our folks are responding generously to the Community Christmas tree. The trustees of the Presbyterian church have kindly agreed to allow the tree to be placed on the lawn between the church and Union Avenue. For this year, the tree will have to be temporary, but the intention is to have a sutiable tree transplanted on the site, and make it a permanent observance. A committee of the Exchange Club is arranging for a suitable tree and it's lighting, also a candy treat for the children of the community, and the officers of the club are receiving donations to cover the necessary expense. It is desired that all folks understand that this is actually a community affair and not for, or by, any one organization. A.W. CARR and wife visited in New York Friday of last week. Archie F. MURRAY and wife were Saturday visitors to Newark. A card party was held at the home of Mrs. Annie WALSH Tuesday evening. The attendance was large ...