
Showing posts with the label Pointville

Laura Swain dies, 1967

 Trenton Times 2 Nov 1967

Laura Swain obituary, 1967

Trenton Times 2 Nov 1967

News from Pointville, 1915

New Egypt Press 24 Nov 1915

Thomas McIntire obituary, 1914

MCINTIRE, THOMAS from the Trenton Times 25 Sep 1914 McIntyre- In this city, on the 23rd inst., Thomas McIntire, in the 90th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from the residence of his brother, Charles McIntire, No. 417 North Montgomery Street, on Friday evening, at 8 o'clock. Interment at Pointville, N.J. Cemetery.

News From Pointville, 1905

New Egypt Press 10 Mar 1905: Charles OLIPHANT of Hightstown spent Monday with Mrs. Harriet JOBES, his grandmother who is very ill. If she lives until May she will be 90 years old. Mrs. Carrie HARKER is spending a few days in Philadelphia. Harry ATKINSON has bought out the general store of John DUBELL, jr. who has decided to retire. R.W. HARKER and his two daughters Leila and Carrie attended the funeral of Grant DAVIS the Mill St. hotel keeper in Mt. Holly on Monday. Alber HONOR and Mrs. Martha WEST have had a handsome monument erected in the Cemetery here in Remembrance of their mother, Rhoda H. HONOR. Miss Nancy HOLT our school teacher is sick so there has been no school for a week. Geo. DELZELL of New Egypt was a visitor here on Thursday. Chas. HARKER was Mt. Holly visitor on Thurdsay. Miss Bessie DUBELL spent Sunday with friends in Juliustown. The Social held at the M.E. parsonage on Thursday evening was a success.

Dr. Webb moves to Pointville, 1878

NEW JERSEY COURIER 19 Dec 1878: Dr. J.W. WEBB and family have removed to Pointville, Burlington Co. This change is mainly due to the fact that the doctor is executor of the estate of his father, recently deceased, as well as to gratify the wish of his mother that he should locate near her.