
Showing posts with the label Chambers

Alonzo Chambers obituary 1942

 Lakewood Citizen, Friday January 30,1942: "Funeral service was held Monday for the Rev Alonzo Chambers, 94, who was believed to be the last Civil War veteran living in Ocean County and one the few in the state. Mr Chambers, a retired minister, died of pneumonia at the home of his daughter, Mrs Sarah Applegate, of Lakewood Road, last Thursday Night. He was a widower, his wife having died several years ago. Surviving him is a son, also a minister. A military funeral was conducted at the Pleasant Plains Methodist Church with the Rev Harold Smock officiating. Burial followed in Riverside Cemetery, Toms River".

Hart-Healey Wedding 1978

 Jackson News 21 Sep 1978

Chambers-Rulon wedding, 1854

Ocean Emblem 29 Nov 1854

Burlington City census, 1860 part 2

Hse# Surname Given Name Age Birthplace Occupation 534 ?? John W. 32 PA Bertha 31 PA Ida 5 PA Ella 4 NJ Franklin 2 NJ 535 Hoover Samuel 53 PA master carpenter Mary 52 PA Arthur 32 NJ carpenter Samuel 20 NJ baker Letitia 14 NJ Eliza J. 9 NJ William 6 NJ 536 Silpath Daniel 22 NJ shoemaker Mary 20 NJ Nathan 1 mo NJ 537 Woolman Benj. R. 40 NJ shoemaker Mary L. 35 NJ Parrish 10 NJ Emma L. 7 NJ Jacob 3 NJ Mary J. 1 NJ Shedaker Charles 21 NJ shoemaker Stanlayer Edward 21 Ireland shoemaker 538 Keck Charles 36 PA shoemaker Fayetta 35 PA Milton 14 PA Mary 17 PA 539 Chambers Daniel ...

Politicians Anxious, 1905

from the New Egypt Press 3 Mar 1905

House and Ship Painter, Toms River, 1855

from the Ocean Emblem 21 Feb 1855

William O Chambers obituary, 1898

from the New Jersey Courier 3 Nov 1898

News from Silverton, 24 Oct 1901


Wedding announcements, 1915

from the New Jersey Courier 22 Oct 1915

David Chambers Lewis Obituary, 1913

LEWIS, DAVID CHAMBERS from the Trenton Evening Times, 5 Jun 1913 LEWIS, PROMINENT IN MANY WAYS, IS DEAD Cranbury Man Was "Forty-Niner" and Long Active in Masonic, Religious and Other Circles. Special to the Times. CRANBURY, June 5. - David Chambers Lewis, Cranbury's oldest resident, passed away at his home here last night, aged 88 years. Always active and energetic Mr. Lewis was noted for his systematic regularity of life, and was seldom ill even for a day until he was stricken on Monday, May 26. In matters of religious, social, political and civic, Mr. Lewis took an active part. He was an elder of the Second Presbyterian Church and was always present at the Sunday and mid-week services. He was a member of the Masonic Fraternity, being a past master and a charter member of Apollo Lodge, No. 156, (may be 136) F. & A. M., of Cranbury, instituted in 1885. At a special meeting of the lodge in April 1905, a handsome crayon portrait of Mr. Lewis was...

Marriages from 1900

New Jersey Courier 5 Apr 1900 "Chambers-Inman---at Cookstown, March 22, 1900, by Franklin B. Haines, Esq, John Chambers of Sykesville, and Nellie Inman of Ocean County"

Caleb Chambers

Caleb Chambers lived in Jackson Twp, Ocean Co., NJ as early as 1870. At that time, he was 45 (although his headstone says he was born in 1822, which would have made him 48). He was married to Lydia K., age 47, and they had the following children: Belinda Chambers, 19 Lucinda Chambers, 18 John E. Chambers, 16 Bartine Chambers, 13 William H. Chambers, 12 Sarah C. Chambers, 7 In 1880, the family was still in Jackson (only now Caleb's age is in agreement with his headstone-- he was 58). Lydia was also 58. Belinda was no longer at home, but Lucy was (she was now 28). William still lived at home as well; there is a 17 year old daughter, Cassie---perhaps that's what the C stood for in Sarah's name in 1870? Caleb and Lydia are buried in the Whitesville Cemetery He died in 1905; she died in 1891.

Annie Chambers obituary, 1910

from the Trenton Evening Times, 10 May 1910 Mrs. Annie Chambers, widow of John Chambers, of 404 Klagg Avenue, died Monday evening after a short attack of heart trouble. She was in her 67th year of her age. She is survived by two children. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late home. Interment will be at Greenwood Cemetery under the direction of E.R. Taylor. ----- PAYS SOCIAL CALL, DIED SUDDENLY Prominent Woman's Death Caused By Heart Disease - Visited Neighbor Mrs. Annie Chambers, 67 years of age, died suddenly last night about 10:30 o'clock at her home, 404 Klagg Avenue. Death was due to heart disease. Mrs. Chambers was in good health apparently, early in the evening and made a social call at the home of a neighbor. When she returned home she complained of feeling ill. Her condition grew alarming and Dr. C.H. Waters was summoned, but before he arrived she had expired. Coroner Grove was then notified and after viewing the body issued a b...