
Showing posts with the label Reid

Harry Reid fined for bootlegging, 1924

New Egypt Press 14 Aug 1924

Fines for bootlegging, 1922

New Egypt Press 13 Jul 1922

Tony Godino gets out of jail, 1921

New Jersey Courier 15 Jul 1921

Aaron Reid obituary, 1878

New Jersey Courier 19 Dec 1878

Judge issues suspended sentences, 1930

New Jersey Courier 23 May 1930: SUSPENDED SENTENCES FAVORED BY JUDGE SIX YEARS IN STATE PRISON CHANGED TO SIX YEARS ON PROBATION Suspended sentences were handed out to nearly everyone that came before Judge GALLAGHER on Wednesday of this week. Among the lucky ones were Francis HULSE, Fred HOOPER, and Fred REID, of the Point Pleasant neighborhood, who had previously been sentenced to six years in state prison. The boys were accused of breaking into a number of places at Mantaloking, and in that vicinity, and robbing them. One was the office of the Mandalay Land Company, one a garage at Mantaloking, and some were houses. They were indicted on three instances and pleaded guilty. They are, under the last sentence, placed under probation for six years to report monthly the previous sentence being held over them. Joseph Carr, convicted of stealing a mink coat in Lakewood, was sentenced to two years, which was suspended provided he left the county inside 48 hours. A woman visitor in Lakewoo...

Obituaries in the New Jersey Courier 19 Dec 1878


Margaret Reid obituary, 1918

from the New Jersey Courier 18 Oct 1918 Mrs. Margaret Reid of Lakewood died October 15, aged 55 years, from nervous breakdown. She was the wife of Thomas D. Reid and mother of two boys in the service: James Reid in France with the ambulance corps; and Harry, in the navy.


From the New Jersey Courier 6 Apr 1905

News From West Creek, 1930

New Jersey Courier 31 Oct 1930 George MATHIS and family have moved to Gibbstown where he is employed by the DuPont works. Mrs. Myrtle FLOMERFELT has returned from a successful tonsil operation. George M. COX is spending the winter with his grandson Elliott JONES and family at Upper Darby, PA. Mrs. E.P. Brown and Mrs. Wm. P. RUTTER were delegates from the P.O.S. of A. Lodge to the recent convention in Albany, NY. Edward HAYWOOD has returned from a trip to Canada. He is now confined to his home with a cold. Mrs. Betty SHINN and the Misses Mildred JONES and Mildred SHINN were Thursday shoppers in Atlantic City. Mrs. R.H. GASKILL and Mrs. J.F. BECKER spent last week with relatives in Wenonah and Philadelphia. Kathryn COPE and James DOWNS have returned to their home in Falsington, PA from a visit with Geo. M. COX in this town. An evening of song service will be held in the M.E. Church Sunday evening next. Little Miss Florence REID of Toms River is visiting her grandparents Mr. and...