
Showing posts with the label Nareski

News from Parkertown, 1918

NEW JERSEY COURIER 7 JUN 1918 Miss Viola Horner and Evelyn Cummings of Waretown spent a few days here at the home of the latter's father, Ralph Cummings. Mrs. Mary Milligan of Atlantic City is the guest of Mrs. Frank Wilson. Mrs. Henry Parker entertained over Sunday their son Chester and grandson Edward Parker, also the misses Bessie and Annie McCarroll, all of Camden. Mrs. Saul D. Parker and son Lawrence are spending some time in Camden with relatives and friends. Miss Deloura Parker of Three Tuns, PA is spending some time here among friends. Miss Pearl Nareski of Camden was an over Sunday visitor at the home of Miss Amy Brown. Postmaster Norwood Parker recently attended the Federal School Board meeting at Trenton. Harold Parker and Alton Mathis successfully passed the Eighth grade examination and will enter High School next year. We are sorry to learn that James Alfred Parker one of our coast guards is in the Asbury Park hospital and is obliged to undergo an operation.