
Showing posts with the label Camden

Postcard from Camden, 1910

  It's part of a cache of photographs I came into possession of; we think there is a New Jersey connection, possibly to South River or Camden, but really anything could be true.  If you think you know who this is or want the photo, let me know. This one is from "Miss Evelyn S___ (name is ripped so it can' t be read", 526 N Third St, Camden NJ"  1910

Dreadful Affair, 1852

 New Jersey Mirror 30 May 1852 One of the most heart-rending and melancholy casualties that it has ever been our lot to record, occurred on Saturday afternoon, the 8th instant, on the old Burlington road, a few miles from Camden.  A young man, named John Malone, engaged in the distillery of a Mr. Woodruff, was sent to clean something in a vat or cistern, which was nearly or quite half full of boiling water. He had placed a board across the cistern, and was busily engaged at his task, when a  colored  man, named Polk, stepped on the board, which, under the pressure of his weight, gave way, and precipitated both into the reservoir of boiling water.  The  colored  man caught hold of the top of the vat, and escaped without serious injury; but Mr. Malone sunk in it nearly to his arms, and before he could be extricated, was literally cooked, so that when they stripped him of his pantaloons and drawers, his flesh pealed from the bones. He lingered in great ag...

4 Year Old Margaret Wood takes a ride, 1917

from New Egypt Press 13 Jul 1917

Sites along the Patco Route in Western NJ ( Camden, Cherry Hill, Collingswood)


Infighting in the KKK

New Egypt Press 3 Apr 1924

News from Harvey Cedars 1915


Benjamin Hunter convicted of murder, 1878

New Jersey Courier 11 Jul 1878

Frank Hayes meets with a minor misfortune, 1892.


News from New Egypt, 1905

from New Egypt Press 3 Mar 1905