News From Barnegat, 1900

From the New Jersey Courier 6 Dec 1900:

Thanksgiving day passed off very quietly with us. Union services were held in the Methodist church. Rev. O.W. Wright of the Presbyterian church, preaching the sermon. The collection was given to the Methodist hospital at Philadephia. In the evening a "Yankee" sociable was held in the Presbyterian church and quite a number were present. The program consisted of readings, instrumental and vocal music and a guessing contest, after which enjoyable evening was spent.
Ragamuffins as usual infested our town during the day and night, but the participants were mostly of the younger class.
A representative of the Sanborn and Perris map company has been in our town the past week making a new insurance map.
Among those home from Rider's business college at Trenton for holiday were Joe Storms, Win Predmore, Van Predmore, Clarence Harris and Arthur Ridgway. Among others visitors during the holiday we noticed Miss Nolia Pharo and Miss Emma Bowers of Philadelphia, William Cox, jr. of Trenton, Miss Hannie Predmore of New York, and Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Newton of Woodbury.
Captain Griffen of Connecticut was the guest of Captain C.O. Falkinburgh; and Capt. Ward Bennett was the guest of his brother, Captain R.W. Bennett.
David G. Conrad has joined his wife on a visit to Newark.
Dr. E. Muller, formerly of New York City, has opened an office for the practice of his profession at Mrs. Robinson's boarding house.
A party of tea of our town, or people formerly residing here, left on Saturday fopr a trip to Washington, D.C., ostensibly to attend the Woman's Christian Temperance Convention. The party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. John Predmore, Mrs. J.S. Storms, Mrs. A.T. [???unreadable name??] , Mrs. E. Predmore, Mrs. G.H. Van Note, [several other illegible names].


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