News From Cedar Run, 1916

New Jersey Courier 16 Oct 1916
Mrs. E.A. Lamson attended the WCTU convention in Barnegat on Thursday last.
Capt. and Mrs. H.A. Smith and granddaughter of Barnegat spent Wednesday with Capt. and Mrs. S.Lamson.
Nellie Giberson was an over Sunday guest of Mrs. C. Van Vorst at Ship Bottom.
Mrs. Levi Cranmer and son, Hiram, visited Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Delatush in Red Bank on Sunday last.
We are sorry to report Mrs. Madeline Salmons in very poor health. She is under the care of Dr. Bunnell.
Leonard Giberson is employed in John Wannamaker's store for the winter.
Walter Perrine was in town for the week end.
Marvin Cranmer is over from Ship Bottom visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Cranmer.
Mott Cranmer returned to his business in Philadelphia on Monday after a serious attack of illness.
Miss Jennie Cranmer was a guest of Mrs. W.s. Cranmer on Monday afternoon.


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