News From Tuckerton, 1916

New Jersey Courier 16 Oct 1916
Mrs. J.K. Ridgway of Barnegat has been visiting Mrs. J.T. Burton.
Mrs. Marie Eggerman of Hoboken was a recent visitor here.
Mrs. Lottie Marshall of Philadelphia is spending a few days here.
Harry Blow and family of New Egypt are visiting relatives here.
Wm. A. Morris, Jr. of Washington, D.C. spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Morris, Sr.
Mrs. C.H. Conover was a visitor in Philadelphia this week.
Dr. and Mrs. J.L. Lane spent Thursday in Trenton
Miss Grace Stiles is spending some time in Philadelphia.
Miss Lena Morey has been visiting relatives in Atlantic City.
Mrs. Watson Seaman and son Morris spent Tuesday in Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Parker have been visiting relatives in Trenton.
Edwin Morgan spent Saturday in Philadelphia.
Miss Mary Stewart of Des Moines, Iowa was a recent visitor here.
Rev. S.K. Moore has been spending a few days in Bridgeton.
R.H. Mason was a recent visitor in town.
Mrs. John Applegate of Atlantic City is visiting relatives here.
Miss Marian V. Leake has accepted a position in the post office.
Mrs. Walter S. Allen, Mrs. James O. Horner, Mrs. Calvin Parker, Mrs. Jennie V. Mathis, and Mrs. George A. Leake attended the Ocean County WCTU convention at Barnegat on Thursday last.


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