Murder at Kinkora

New Jersey Mirror 18 Oct 1905

George Bevins, employed at the Roebling plant at Kinkora, was shot and killed by his son, William Bevins, aged 23, on the latter's house boat in the Delaware river at Trenton, shortly after six o'clock on Monday evening(presumably a reference to October 16, 1905). Young Bevins claims that he fired the shot in order to save the lives of his mother, sisters and himself and all the circumstances surrounding the tragedy appear to corroborate the young man's story. The elder Bevins was a hard drinker and lately in his rum-crazed condition had threatened the lives of his family. He had threatened the lives of other relatives and it is believed that at the time the bullet from his son's revolver pierced his heart he was prepared to do murder. Recently on account of the violent conduct of the dissipated husband and father the Bevins home had been broken up and Mrs. Bevins with four of her children had been living with relatives, taking her meals with her son on his house boat. It was while Mrs. Bevins and her younger children were preparing supper for the elder brother that the father in an intoxicated condition appeared and informed another son working on a boat nearby, that he was going to the houseboat and kill the whole family there. He could not be dissuaded from his murderous intention and started for the boat. With a large knife in his hand he went aboard and knocked loudly on the door. He was met by his son to whom he announced, "You are all here together and now I am going to kill you all." The son rushed back into the room and managed to get his mother and the children into a naptha launch alongside just as the enraged father and husband and the enraged father and husband made a plunge at them with his knife. The terrified woman and children escaped and the father directed his attack toward the son. After the would-be murderer had struck at him with his knife the young man drew a revolver and shot his parent in the breast, the bullet piercing his heart. The victim fell unconscious and young Bevins after summoning an ambulance prepared to give himself up to the authorities. The father died in a police ambulance on the way to the hospital. The patricide was locked up in Trenton and awaits further action on his case. Prosecutor Crossley, of Mercer county, says that the shooting was clearly one of self defense.


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