Classified Ads from 1923


Lost -Oct 15, in front of Ford agency, Toms River, police dog with short brown hair, studded collar, without inscription; answers toname of Brownie and will shake hands when asked to do so. Reward $5.00. Notify RICHARD BLOOM, Lavallette, NJ.
For Sale-Five-room summer cottage, furnished: lot 80x225; near river; bargain. P.L. GROVER, Toms River.
For Sale-Handsome residence on Main Street, lot 150x625, easy terms. Your inspection invited. H.J.FABY. Phone 171 Toms River, NJ.
For Sale-Modernyear round bungalow and garage in Beachwood, $3500. Apply Bargain, Courier office.
For Sale Cheap-Hand drawn hook and ladder truck; A1 condition. Apply Chief BUCKWALTER, Toms River, N.J.
For Sale-Cabbage, potatoes, rutabaga turnips, cow beets. John A. MAGUIE, Bay-Lee Farm, Freehold Road, Town.
Laundry stove, with 60 gallon hot water tank, complete for sale. Apply Dr. GEORGE T. CROOK, Town.
For Sale-Oak and pine fire wood, $6.00 per load delivered. L.W. MCCLENAHAN, Toms River, NJ
One 10 ft. refrigerator, show case, one Howe computing scale, and one Peerless meat slicer. Harris Restaurant, 27 Main St, Toms River.
Hudson Super-Six sedan, $275, Owner leaving town. See CARL E. ECKHARDT at Reliable Garage, Toms River.
Parlor heater (18 inch fire pot) coal and wood grates. Can be seen at 251 Main St, Town.
For Sale-Yellow Jersey sweet potatoes; also Overland touring, in good order, new rubber all around, and a spare. OSCAR PELLETIER, Box 223, Silverton, NJ
For Sale-Chalmers-5 passenger touring-reconditioned body, overhauled motor; in fine condition; $300. H.H. GRANT, 135 Hooper Ave, town.
Willys-Knight roadster for sale, HARRY M BRYDEN, Box 174, Toms River.
For sale-upright piano, mission oak, excellent condition, or, will exchange for Victrola equal value. GEORGE EMMERICH, Walnut St, Toms River, NJ.
Men wanted to cut cord wood. Apply R.J. TRENERY, Lakewood Rd., R.D. Box 104 B
Wanted-office assistant, one with knowledge of stenography preferred. Apply in person, MAJA LEON BERRY, Toms River.
Help wanted-Woman or girl to do housework. MRS. JAMES WORK, Seward Ave, Toms River, NJ
Colored men-women --to represent New Jersey's most progressive sick and accident association in all sections of New Jersey. An unusual opportunity for advancement for men and women who will work and produce results. Liberal commission or salary. Address Globe Beneficial Association, 845 Broad St., Newark NJ
Young man, 22, desires position as chauffeur or at anything. Address Box "D" Courier
For sale-Two Jersey cows, both giving good milk. Elias CLAYTON, Silverton, R.D. 1
Good cow and horse for sale -J.A. MCGUIRE, Bay-Lea Farm, Toms River, NJ


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