News From Parkertown 1920

Mrs. Frank Wilson, who has been quite ill is reported to be improving.
Clarence Price, of Avalon C.G.S., and who has been home on sick leave for some time, has returned to his duties at that place.
Russell Parker, of Avon-By-the-Sea C.G.S., spent Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Parker.
Chas. A. Mathis, who is employed in Camden, was a weekend visitor with his family here.
Mrs. Charles Allison and daughter, Julia, of Cedar Run, spent the week end at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Price.
John Cranmer and son, Melford, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Reuben Parker, at White Hills.
Miss Grace Parker was the guest of Miss Frances Mosier, in Tuckerton, last Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Vere Parker, of Camden, spent Sunday at the home of the former's father, Filbert S. Parker.
Mrs. Norwood Parker has returned to her home here after spending several weeks in Brooklyn and Ridgewood as the guest of her sisters, Mrs.Joseph Johnson and Mrs. A.D. Bennett, also several days at the home of Miss Annie Fuller, of Jersey City, a former school teacher here.
Mrs. Chas. A Mathis entertained the Ladies Aid Wednesday afternoon of this week.
Mrs. Serena Shourds of Tuckerton spent Tuesday as the guest of Mrs. Norwood Parker.
The Daughters of Liberty of West Creek, of which Parkertown has a large percentage of members, initiated four new members Monday evening. In spite of the weather, quite a number attended and an enjoyable evening was spent. At a late hour refreshments were served. Those initiated were:
Mrs. Catherine Cramer
Miss Jennie Shinn, of West Creek
Miss Grace Parker and
Imogene Cummings of this place.
Word was received here that Miss Estelle Cummings, of Camden, a former resident here, that she was the winner of a diamond ring in a recent contest held there.
We are pleased to report that Mrs. Edward Inman, who has been quite sick, is much improved.


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