News From Jacobstown 1905

New Egypt Press 24 Feb 1905:
Rev. William E. CORNWELL spent Tuesday with friends at Bordentown.
Mr. Howard TALLMAN spent Sunday at Mt. Holly.
Some of the young people of this place attended the box social held in the Archertown Schoolhouse on Tuesday evening.
Mr. Henry CHAFFEE and son Oscar were visitors in town on Sunday last.
Bessie LAYTON, little daughter of Elmer LAYTON, has been quite ill the past few weeks, suffering with throat trouble.
Mr. Joel WAINWRIGHT spent Thursday at the home of Dr. J.G. FEASTER.
Miss Lula BUCKALEW of Collier's Mills was a visitor in town on Sunday.
Mr. Joseph SOUTHARD purchased a fine new roadster of the Horner Bros., of New Egypt, this week.
Communion was administered in the Baptist church on Sunday.
Miss Anna STEWARD who has been ill for a few weeks past, is not much improved at this writing.
Mr. William LAYTON was a visitor in Bordentown on Tuesday.
Mrs. William E. CORNWELL who has been ill several months past, is still confined to the house.
Mrs. Phoebe LUKES will break up housekeeping in the spring and will make her home with her son, Mr. George LUKES, of Croswix.
Mr. Walter BORDEN is very ill with pneumonia.
Mr. Mahlon K. IVINS and Mr. William LAYTON spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John LINGERMAN, of Hornerstown.
Mr. Larry MURPHY will occupy the property in front of the Central Hotel the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward HOPKINS, of near Collier's Mills, visited Mr. and Mrs. George GREEN on Sunday.
Mr. Henry NAYLOR, an old soldier of this place, was taken very ill on Saturday evening while sitting in Mr. CURTIS's restaurant. He was carried to his apartments and restoratives administered. He is some improved at this writing.
Mr. James PIERCE killed some very fine poultry on Monday and delivered the same to Mr. Frank RIDGWAY.
Little Miss Rachel APPLEGATE, of New Egypt, spent a few days this week with friends here.
Mr. Harry LUKES has accepted a position in Trenton.
Mr. Elmer LAYTON will move in the house now occupied by Mr. Ralph LEE on April 1.
Master Herschel DEVINNEY spent Friday at the home of Mr. Branson LAMB.
Mr. Joshua LAMB, of near Wrightstown, sold at public vendue all his farming utensils and household furnishings on Wednesday. Mr. Walter BORDEN was auctioneer, and as Mr. BORDEN was not in good health, he was assisted by Mr. Branson LAMB, of this place.
A merry ringing of the hammer and anvil has been heard in our two blacksmith shops the last two weeks, and the number of horses being shod daily tells the story of the icy roads.
Mr. Walter CURTIS, who keeps the restaurant on the corner of Main and South Streets, is contemplating building to his Main Street residence and starting a grocery and feed store in the spring.


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