News From Parkertown, 1920

Mrs. James A. Parker and children, Garrett and Gladys have returned after spending the winter at Bradley Beach, where her husband is employed in the C.G.S.
F.S. Parker recently spent a week in Camden at the home of his son, Vere.
Miss Estella Cummings, of Camden, spent the week end as the guest of Miss Grace Parker.
Mrs. Ayer Parker and daughter, Mrs. Wm. Thomas spent a day in Tuckerton last week as the guest of Mrs. Darnell Parker.
Adam Price, who is employed in Camden, was a Sunday visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Price.
Chas. A. Mathis spent the week end with his family here.
Solomon Holman, who is employed in Philadelphia, was a week end guest of Miss Helen Parker.
Pupils of our school neither absent nor tardy:
Marjorie Brown
Erma Parker
Mary Parker
Hilliard Brown
LeRoy Cummings
Chester Holman
Lawrence Parker
Since the organization of the War Saving's Society in October, the pupils have saved $54.05 and invested the amount in Thrift Stamps.


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