News from Parkertown, 1918

Mrs. William Horner, Jr. and son Edward have gone to lvier where Mr. Horner is in the Coast Guard station.
Mrs. Atmore Holman is visiting friends and relations in Merchantville, Mt. Holly and Philadelphia.
Clarence Price who is employed as Coast Guard at Avalon NJ is spending his liberty days here with his parents, Capt. and Mrs. A.M. Price.
We are very sorry to hear that Leon paul Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker, of Camp McClellan, Ala., has just been through an operation and is confined to the hospital there. We hope to hear of his improvement at an early date.
Our Red Cross members here are kept busy knitting and we are all trying to do our bit in a small way, but have been unable to attend the meetings on account of the weather conditions.
Carlisle Gaskill of New Gretna is spending some time here with his daughter, Mrs. Grace Horner.


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