News From New Egypt, 1905

New Egypt Press 10 Mar 1905:
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MOORE have returned from an extended visit among relatives in Philadelphia.
Dr. Geo. W. BELL was in town on Saturday.
Mrs. George TRIPPLE of Ocean City has been visiting relatives here during the past week.
Joseph FOSTER has been ill for some time past. He is slowly improving.
Edward CRANMER was in Trenton on Monday.
The Misses Rena, Jennie and Rae MOORE, of Philadelphia, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank MOORE over Sunday.
Charles P. GRAVATT purchased 3 fine cows at the Danley Sale one day last week.
Mrs. Mary HARTSHORN returned home from Bordentown on Sunday.
Hannah BUNTING has been visiting friends and relatives in town during the past week.
Mrs. John MILLER is recovering from a rather prolonged illness.
Walter BELL was in Trenton on Monday.
Jacob MCKAIG was in Trenton on Saturday.
Many will be interested to know that Z.H. BUNTING of Bordentown will move his family to Trenton shortly where he will engage in the confectionery business.
George H. JONES of the Shady Grove farm has become quite popular from his ready quotations of Josh Billings.
At the supper held at the home of Mrs. Harriet BURTISON on Friday evening by the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church, $15.00 was cleared.
Ward HARKER shipped a lot of 33 capons on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. JONES were in Philadelphia on Monday.
Ivins J. DAVIS was a Philadelphia visitor on Monday.
Wm. CAREY is around again. His injured hand is improving nicely.
Herman COWARD of Pemberton spent Sunday with his parents at this place.
Jaoc GOFF and Dr. L.E. FOULKS drove to Lakewood one day last week distributing quail to the following persons on the way: Wm. C. VAN HISE, Cassville; Henry ELY, Vanhiseville; Jas. HOLMAN, Whitesville; and the balance in Lakewood.
Sen George L. SHINN received a coop of 5 doz. quail on Saturday for distribution.
Aaron HOPKINS has purchased a pacing horse. Look out for him, boys.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert BOWEN of Falsington, PA visited Mrs. Bowens mother, Mrs. Chas. FOULKS on Tuesday.
Clifford COTTREL has accepted a position as clerk in Chas. ROBBINS store.
"Tubby" is now in the chicken business.
Mrs. C.F. IRONS was in Philadelphia on Monday.
Mrs. ASSON and her sister spent Tuesday in Philadelphia.
The services at the M.E. Church will be in charge of Edward SMITH on Sunday next.
Chas. WOLCOTT of Burnersville visited friends and relatives here on Saturday.
William CRANMER and family habe been confiend to the house with La Grippe.
Mrs. Henry CRANMER has been very ill during the past week.
Charles ROBBINS and wife were in Phila. one day last week.
Wm. GROVER bought a new horse at HE. LIPPINCOTT's sale near Wrightstown last week.
There is to be a large sorting and store house built near what is known as White's Bogs. Joseph J. White, the owner, has just placed an order with lumber dealers in Burlington for 16 car loads of lumber with which to build the structure.
At a meeting of the New Egypt Cornet Band held Tuesday evening, 7th inst., four new members were added the ranks, and two honorary members were initiated. The new members were: Clifford COTTRELL, and Geo. MOORE, altos; Fred APPLEGATE, clarionet; Roy IRONS,, cornet; the honorary members were: Ridgeway VAUGHN, and "Bill" DURLING, drummers. It was decided that the Band attend the 25th anniversary of Ocean Council No. 10 jr. O.U.A.M., to be celebrated in Meirs Hall on April 12, 1905. It was also agreed that an entertainment be held in the near future, Hary WORTH, A.U. MOORE, and Geo. IRONS were appointed as a committee


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