Fatal accident at Atsion, 1887

New Jersey Mirror 10 Aug 1887

A singular fatal accident took place at Larrabee's saw mill at Atsion, last Tuesday night. Owing to the rush of work, a night force had been employed. Among them was a Samuel T. Perry, of Manchester, who worked night for the first time last week. While the saw was in operation, a slab was caught in it and thrown with fearful velocity, striking Perry in the abdomen. He was immediately seized with a fit of vomiting, which continued all night. On Wednesday morning he was removed to his home at Manchester, and Dr. E. C. Disbrow, of this town [meaning Toms River], was summoned. Internal hemhorrage, however, occurred, and on Thursday night he died. He was about 81 years old, and leaves a widow and three children. Funeral services were held on Monday at Giberson's Mills. A delegation from Raum Lodge, I.O.O.F., of this town, of which deceased was a member, attended and performed the rites of the order.


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