News From West Creek, 1920

Mrs. Rebecca Gaskill is making and extended visit with friends in Red Bank, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, and Atlantic City.
T.E. Lawrence, of Philadelphia, spent the week end with friends here.
Miss Grace Jones of Jersey City was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Shinn on Thomas Avenue.
J.C. Horner, of Philadelphia, spent the week end with his family here.
Miss Sarah Cox has returned after visiting in New York and Bayonne.
C.H. Cox has been harvesting ice at Manahawkin for his summer ice route on the beach
Edw. L. Shinn has sold his home on the Landing Road to Graydon Kelley.
Dr. James Wallace, of Roxborough, has purchased the Neuendorf farm on the Forge Road, for a poultry farm.
Misses Grace and Sara Rutter of Philadelphia spent the week end with their parents here.
Mrs. A.E. Willits had a serious fall which confines here to her room
Horace Adams, of the Holloway grocery store, is taking a month's vacation. Miss Mildred Jones is subbing in his absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Johnson are rejoicing over the advent of a son.
Mrs. Norman Strode, of Philadelphia, spent the week end with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Leigh.
Mrs. Rebecca Kelley is visiting her sons in Brooklyn and Red Bank
Mr. and Mrs.William P. Rutter are receiving congratulations over the birth of a son.
H.G. Shinn has gone to Frankford for employment.
Rev. Wolsifer Johnson has nearly completed his tour of the township taking the census figures.
Capt. and Mrs. Herbert Stiles spent part of last week with friends in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Rose Neuendorf, of Camden, was a business visitor here last week.
Fred Neuendorf has purchased William Giberson's bungalow on the Forge Road.
Eugene Kelley and Gordon Dreycott are sawing up the wood piles around town with their sawing machines.
Everybody who owns an ice house in our village has it filled for July.


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