Fred Estelle obituary, 1934

from the Lakewood Citizen 5 Jan 1934

Fred M Estelle, a life long resident of this section, died at his home on the County Line Road last Saturday, following a short illness. Mr Estelle was in his sixty fourth year, and besides his widow is survived by his father, John M Estelle, Southard; one son, Carl, and a daughter, Mrs Stella Armstrong. Two brothers, Consworth of Lakewood and Joel of Southard and two sisters, Mrs Charles VanPelt and Mrs Jessie Matthews of Lakewood, also survive.
Mr Estelle was a member of the First Methodist Episcopal Church and of the Junior Order, United American Mechanics and Patriotic Order Sons of America.
Funeral service was held on Wednesday from the late home and from the Methodist Church with the Rev John W Griffith, pastor of the church officiating. Burial was made in Woodlawn Cemetery


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