News From New Gretna 1920

Tuckerton Beacon, 22 Jan 1920:
Revival services are now in progress in the M.E. Church. Mr. John Abdell, of Camden, is assiting the pastor this week.He has charge of the music, which is being made a special feature of the meetings.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cramer and Mrs. Earle Cramer visited Atlantic City on Saturday.
The teachers in the public school have received notice to attend Institute at Mount Holly on Thursday and Friday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wiseman are rejoicing over the birth of a baby girl.
An epidemic of Grippe colds seem to be sweeping the town at th is time. We trust that all who are sick will soon get out again.
Miss Rae Cramer of Beach Haven has been visiting friends and relatives here.
Alvin McAnney was a Philadeplhia visitor on Wednesday.
Mrs. Duncan Jones, of Jersey City, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Mathis.


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