Ferguson-Apter wedding, 1923

from the New Jersey Courier 19 Oct 1923
A quiet wedding took place this morning (Oct 17) at 10:00 a.m. at the City Hall of Newark when the mayor of that city united in marriage Miss Martha Fergurson, daughter of ex-Mayor and Mrs. Thomas Fergurson of this place (Point Pleasant) and William Apter of Newark. The couple were attended by Mrs. Thomas Fergurson, mother of the bride and Miss Jane Apter, sister of the groom. The bride was attired in Navy blue French serge coat dress with hat to match. The couple will reside at the home of the brides parents on St. Louis avenue while Mr. Apter is employed at the American Food store on Main Street, of Asbury Park. Both Mr. and Mrs. Apter are well known here Mrs. Apter being a telephone operator here.


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