
Eating at a popular Wall Twp restaurant in 1954

 Asbury Park Press 3 1 Jul 1954

VRTtual gaming arcade and El Ranchero Mexican restaurant, Hooper Ave, Toms River, 2024


Bridgton and Saco River Employee handbook, 1906

 And they misspelled 'employees' again.  Anyone wants the whole booklet, let me know.

New York, Ontario, and Western Railway schedule of rates of pay for locomotive engineers, 1930

 I have the whole book if someone wants it.

KS Fitness, Hooper Ave, Toms River, 2024


Bridgeton and Saco River RR employee handbook, 1913

 I have the whole book if anyone is interested. (Note they  misspelled 'employees' !) 

Helen and Everett Stone part invitation, 1940

 Not sure what connection this has to Ocean County, but it was in with a collection of photographs and post cards that came into my possession, many of which were from a family in Pine Beach.  So if you can identify these people, or want the invite, let me know in the comments.

William Wakefield charged with forgery, 1954

 Asbury Park Press 2 Nov 1954

WWII Ration book belonging to Evelyn Carlyn Carson of Pine Beach


Alonzo Chambers obituary 1942

 Lakewood Citizen, Friday January 30,1942: "Funeral service was held Monday for the Rev Alonzo Chambers, 94, who was believed to be the last Civil War veteran living in Ocean County and one the few in the state. Mr Chambers, a retired minister, died of pneumonia at the home of his daughter, Mrs Sarah Applegate, of Lakewood Road, last Thursday Night. He was a widower, his wife having died several years ago. Surviving him is a son, also a minister. A military funeral was conducted at the Pleasant Plains Methodist Church with the Rev Harold Smock officiating. Burial followed in Riverside Cemetery, Toms River".

Carol Ann Applegate birth announcement, 1945

 Mrs. E.Carson of Merchantville gets a postcard from her daughter in Texas, Dec 1929 If you know this family and want this post card, let me know.

Hooper Ave looking south near Walnut Street, Toms River, 2024


Can you identify the people in this postcard?

Sent to Frank Shuster of Pine Beach from someone in West Virginia, 1945. If you're related to these people and would like the postcard, let me know.

Do you know this person?

  It's part of a cache of photographs I came into possession of; we think there is a New Jersey connection, possibly to South River or Camden, but really anything could be true.  If you think you know who this is or want the photo, let me know.

Ambition Barber Lounge, Hooper Avenue, Toms River, 2024


Do you know this woman?

  It's part of a cache of photographs I came into possession of; we think there is a New Jersey connection, possibly to South River or Camden, but really anything could be true.  If you think you know who this is or want the photo, let me know.

Sea Girt furniture, 1948


New bank building (built during Covid) on Hooper Ave in Toms River


Girl born to Christian J. Hiering, 1915

 Ocean County Review 23 Jan 1915