Murder of Ezra Roberts

New Jersey Mirror 13 Nov 1851:

It will be recollected by many of our readers, that about four years ago, a wealthy farmer named Ezra Roberts, living a short distance below Moorestown, was murdered and robbed near Camden. No clue could, at that time, be obtained of the perpetrator of the deed, but circumstances have recently transpired leading to the suspicion of a person confined in the State Prison. The person suspected of the murder of Mr. Roberts, is Job Cowperthwaite, Jr., who was tried and convicted at the last term of our Court, for shooting a Mrs. Vansciver at Moorestown. The report, it is said, originated from a declaration of the wife of Cowperthwaite, previous to her death, which occurred a short time since, and who had hitherto concealed it because Cowperthwaite threatened her life, if she disclosed the horrid deed. We know not what reliance is to be placed in this statement, but we understood at the time of Cowperthwaite's trial, that circumstances had come to light relative to this murder, by which a strong case could be made out against him


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