News From Jackson Mills 1918

New Jersey Courier 14 Jul 1918
Mrs. F.J. Wetzel and son Bruce of Bay Ridge, NY are visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mathews at Glen Lake.
Mrs. C.L. Davis and daughter Dorothy called on C.L. Reynolds and wife on Sunday.
Mrs. Van Thompson and Mrs. Harriet Burdge of Lakewood were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Elias Anderson.
Mrs. James Applegate spent Friday in Lakewood.
Ross Hendrickson of South River spent the week end with his father J.H. Hendrickson.
Warren Burdge is still suffering with a gathered hand.
William Anderson and wife and son of Freehold spent Sunday with his parents, Elias Anderson and wife.
Mrs. J.R. Hendrickson and son Otis spent Sunday with her son Ross A. Hendrickson of South River.
Mrs. Wm. Applegate has gone to Paul Kimball hospital, Lakewood, for treatment.
Mrs. Alonzo Holey of Asbury Park returned home Friday after a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Applegate.
Mrs. Geo. C. White and two children and Mrs. A. White all of Freehold spent 4th of July with Mr. and Mrs. Elias Anderson.
Ed Hill of Keyport called on friends at Glen Lake farm on Saturday.


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