News From Beachwood, 1918

New Jersey Courier 20 Sep 1918
An adjourned meeting of the council was held on Saturday evening. Ordinances covering the building of commercial buildings, regulating the building of outhouses and for the making of the R.R. crossing of the Penna. R.R. at Atlantic Boulevard were up for first reading; all ordinances were approved and ordered published. Each of these ordinances will be a big asset to Beachwood and should have the approval of all Beachwoodites.
F. Fay of new York City is currently occupying Miss Gant's cottage on Capstan Avenue for a few weeks.
W.Warrow has left for New York City to secure a position. Mrs. Warrow and the two kiddies will join Billy in a few days. The clubhouse will seem rather deserted without "Little Billy" as he certainly helped to make things lively this summer.
Dry wells seem to be in order, and it is rather an expensive job to have the wells put down a few feet further.
Mr. Smith has moved to his new house on Beachwood Boulevard.
Mr. and Mrs. Kearin together with Mr. and Mrs. VomSaal and the kiddies and M rs. C. Grover took a vacation on Monday and went to Atlantic City. They reported having a fine time especially when Miss Grover took the slide down the big slide at Steeplechase.
Now that school is open at Toms River and our kiddies must go there, something should be done and at once to see that they do not have to walk.
V. Laggren has purchased Dr. Brower's car.
From reports all Beachwood is preparing for the senior dance to be given on Sept. 28 at the club.
Council meeting next Saturday evening at the borough hall.
The boys from Lakehurst entertained the people of Beachwood last Saturday evening with a dance at the club. Everybody reported having a fine time. Come again boys and bring the band along.
Capt. H.G. Fritsch of Yonkers visited his bungalow on Tuesday and returned to his city home on Wednesday. Mr. Fritsch reports Mrs. Fritsch having met with an accident causing her to be confined to the house. The captain was telling of some of his experiences during the Civil War, and impressed his hearers that a soldier's life during that time was no easy one. Mr. Fritsch is still hale and hearty at the good age of 76 years, and on Dec. 11 he expects to celebrate his golden wedding.
Mr. B.C. Mayo visited Beachwood on Saturday last.
Major Young was a visitor over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fisher are occupying the Christensen cottage on Capstan avenue.
Mrs. Bjering has taken Mrs. Grey's cottage for the winter.
Postmaster Smith received the first Beachwood mail on Thursday (yesterday).
While rather late, just to keep the record straight for next year, we print the winners in the Baby parade at Beachwood on Saturday, Aug 31.
Grand Prize, Maude Manson, as Munition Worker.
First prizes, Jack Burrell, as Cupid; John Reeves, as Moses; Donald Smith, as farmer; Edward deRochemont and Sagred Piattas, Hawaiians; Howard Warick as Huckleberry.


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