Johnson-Baldwin wedding, 1909

from New Jersey Courier 2 Jun 1909

A pretty home wedding occurred Wednesday in East Fourth Street, when Miss Mary Ethel Johnson, daughter of Mr
and Mrs J C Johnson, became the wife of Mr Frank Edgar Baldwin, of Red Bank, the ceremony occurring at one
o'clock and performed by the Rev C P Butler of the Presbyterian Church.
The bride was gowned in a charming princess dress of white batiste with lace and embroidery and carried white
roses. Her going away gown was of London Smoke broadcloth and she wore a panama hat with lilacs. The young
couple received many pretty gifts. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served to the company and the
bride and groom left amid showers of rice and confetti to their home in Atlantic Highlands which is in readiness
for them. The wedding company numbered about twenty six and included the relatives and a few friends from
Lakewood, the grooms mother, sister and brothers, Mrs G W Baldwin, Miss Estelle Baldwin and Messrs George B
and William B Baldwin and Messrs DeHart and Letson of Red Bank


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