John Hendrickson obituary, 1905

from the New Jersey Courier 15 Jun 1905:
John Henry Hendrickson of Prospertown, died May 27, after an illness of two months, from heart failure. He was
 78 years old. When 16 years old he married Elizabeth Ann Burk of Jackson Mills, and the following children 
survive with the widow: William of Jersey City; Timothy, Charles and Thomas of Prospertown; Ulyesses of Jackson
 Mills; Henry of Crosswicks; George of Cream Ridge; Gordon of Allentown; Mary of Yardville; Frances of Lakewood;
 Letitia of Florence; Hannah of Red Valley, and Emma of Prospertown, All the 13 children attended the funeral 
services. Also 36 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren survive, and one brother, Richard Hendrickson of 
Easton, Pa. The deceased was a farmer. He was a member of the 14th N J Vols, and of G A R Post  No 72, of 
New Egypt. He lived his entire life near Prospertown and had been a member of Imlays Hill Methodist Church
 many years


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