I know right now that Ethel Hale was a niece of Alonzo Norton of Batsto. Alonzo was caretaker of the mansion at Batsto at one point. According to a descendant of Ethel and her husband, Wilsie Hale, they moved to Batsto from New York sometime in the early 1900s. Elsie's fifth child, Ethel, was born at Batsto. Isa Leek of Pleasant Mills, recorded the birth of that child in her diary of 20 Oct 1901. According to their entries on the 1905 Census, Wilsie and Ethel were both born in New York. Wilsie was born in Sep 1869, and Ethel in May of 1876. Their children were: Mildred, born Sep 1895 Merrill, b. Nov 1896 Howard, b. Apr 1898 Elsie, b. Dec 1899 Ethel, b. Oct 1901. As the first four children were born in New York, it would appear the family arrived at Batsto between December, 1899 and October, 1901. In 1910, Wilsie G. Hale is still on the Census at Batsto, employed as a Grocery store clerk. His wife's name in that year, however, is listed as Marion E. Hale. Her age is...