News From Cookstown, 1908

Allentown Messenger 14 May 1908:
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emley, of Ellisdale visited the former's mother, Mrs. Lydia Havens on Monday.
Richard Bussom has moved to the California house.
Thomas Cawley was given one year in State Prison for stealing chickens. There was no bill found against Walter Greenwood.
Harold Woodward returned to Peddie Institute at Hightstown on Monday. He has been home for two months suffering with an abscess on the knee.
Miss Mary Harker, of Wrightstown, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harker on Saturday.
Howard Bird, of Princeton and his bride, formerly Miss Delia McCabe of New York, spent a few days last week with the former's sisters, the Misses Maud and Lillie Hamilton.
While Frank Emery was driving down the road with Harry Dutcher's team Saturday, near John Meaney's, the bolt came out of the sword, which let the front of the wagon strike the horses' heels. They were badly frightened and ran away. When they came into town they ran into the large sign at Hartshorn's hotel and broke it down, which brought the horses to a standstill and they were caught. The driver was dragged some distance down the road, but was only slightly injured. The horses were skinned up somewhat and the harness badly broken.
Mrs. Lydia Stevens, wife of William Stevens, after a short illness died at her home on the Oak Mount Farm on Thursday, May 7, 1908, aged 36 years. A husband and three children, Belle, Allen and Blanche survive. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Horner. Funeral was held from her late residence on Sunday, May 10, and was very largely attended. Interment was in Jacobstown Cemetery.


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