News from Jacobstown, 1908

Allentown Messenger 14 May 1908:
Peter Layton, Adam Lewis and others are making repairs on their properties this week. Oxel Holmlund and Harrison Reed are engaged in doing the carpenter work.
Frank Briggs purchased a horse of James K. Hart the past week.
Miss Edith Kester was the guest of her cousin, Miss Ethel Borden on Monday.
The painters who are painting the Methodist Church on the inside are being entertained at the home of Mrs. Josephine Shaw.
Samuel Emley, of New Egypt visited Mrs. Mary Sagers on Saturday.
Harry Luke, our tonsorial artist, has moved his barber shop from the Sexton shop to that of Frank Ridgway.
Michael Cullen recently killed almost one hundred capons, for which he received 26 1/2 cents per pound. Michael is one of those farmers who gets there all the time.
Howard Borden, who has been suffering from appendicitis, is much improved.
Parties from the Henry Keeler farm purchased a young stock bull of M. K. Ivins last week.


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