News from New Gretna, 1914

Eugene Sears has accepted a position in the P.R.R. Station at Camden
Mr. James Allen of Ocean City is visiting here.
Joseph Gaskill of Atlantic City is visiting relatives here.
Miss Laura Leek took the civil service examination at Toms River last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. S.M. French entertained a few of their friends on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Carl Adams of Atlantic City is visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph Mathis, jr.
Mrs. Emma Van Sant of Atlantic City, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alma Cramer.
Carroll and Forest Cramer of Atlantic City, were the guests of the Misses Georgie and Theora Cramer last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gerew of Cape May, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gerew.
Miss Montgomery of Atlantic City spent the week end with Miss Mary Mathis.
Miss Earle Cramer is spending a portion of the week in Philadelphia.
Rev. R.W. Hand and family are visiting relatives in Philadelphia.


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