Lakewood Citizen, Friday February 7,1941: "Mrs Susan E Hankins, eighty four, mother of former Mayor George W Hankins of Point Pleasant, died at the Beach Boros Hospital, Point Pleasant last Saturday after several weeks' illness. Mrs Hankins, who made her home on Arnold Avenue, was a pioneer resident of Point Pleasant Beach, and one of its best known citizens. She was a member of the Harvey Methodist Church for sixty years and a charter member of Rheanita Council, Order of Pocahontas. She was also a charter member of Molly Pitcher Council 65, Daughters of Liberty, Manasquan. Mrs. Hankins was the daughter of the late John H and Ann Applegate and was born in Ocean County, the youngest of five children. She was the widow of George C Hankins, and is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Alfred Holman of Point Pleasant; and two sons, Arthur C Hankins of Brielle and George W Hankins of Point Pleasant. Funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon at the late home with the Rev Neal VanLoon, past...