Susan E. Hankins obituary 1941

 Lakewood Citizen, Friday February 7,1941:

"Mrs Susan E Hankins, eighty four, mother of former Mayor George W Hankins of Point Pleasant, died at the Beach Boros Hospital, Point Pleasant last Saturday after several weeks' illness. Mrs Hankins, who made her home on Arnold Avenue, was a pioneer resident of Point Pleasant Beach, and one of its best known citizens.

She was a member of the Harvey Methodist Church for sixty years and a charter member of Rheanita Council, Order of Pocahontas. She was also a charter member of Molly Pitcher Council 65, Daughters of Liberty, Manasquan.

Mrs. Hankins was the daughter of the late John H and Ann Applegate and was born in Ocean County, the youngest of five children. She was the widow of George C Hankins, and is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Alfred Holman of Point Pleasant; and two sons, Arthur C Hankins of Brielle and George W Hankins of Point Pleasant.

Funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon at the late home with the Rev Neal VanLoon, pastor of the Harvey Memorial Methodist Church officiating. Burial was in White Lawn Cemetery".


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