TUCKERTON BEACON 22 Apr 1920 On Friday evening West Creek Lodge No. 77 Knights of Pythias gave a reception in honor of the veterans of the World War. The guests included : William H. Rulon Edward A. Cranmer Ensign Miller George Pharo all veterans of the War of Secession. Edward Woodward, William Seaman, Chester W. Kelly, Ralph Salmons, Noe Laranger, Ross Salmons, and Joseph Glenn, jr., veterans of the late war. The following program was rendered: Opening Prayer....Rev. W. Johnson Chorus, "America" Address, "My Experience in France", Joseph Glenn, jr. Music, Orchestra Quartette, A. H. Jones, C.M. Shinn, Harry Seaman, J.B. Cox. Address, Rev. W. Johnson Comic songs, H. Winters Address, Capt. Edward A. Cranmer Exhibition dances, Harry Winters Songs, Edward Woodward After enjoying the program a lunch was served and all expressed themselves as having a very enjoyable evening. The following persons spent the Easter holidays here; Joseph Glenn, of Port...